Source code for astropy.wcs.wcsapi.high_level_api

import abc
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from .utils import deserialize_class

__all__ = ['BaseHighLevelWCS', 'HighLevelWCSMixin']

def rec_getattr(obj, att):
    for a in att.split('.'):
        obj = getattr(obj, a)
    return obj

def default_order(components):
    order = []
    for key, _, _ in components:
        if key not in order:
    return order

[docs]class BaseHighLevelWCS(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for the high-level WCS interface. This is described in `APE 14: A shared Python interface for World Coordinate Systems <>`_. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def low_level_wcs(self): """ Returns a reference to the underlying low-level WCS object. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pixel_to_world(self, *pixel_arrays): """ Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates (represented by high-level objects). See `~astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseLowLevelWCS.pixel_to_world_values` for pixel indexing and ordering conventions. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def array_index_to_world(self, *index_arrays): """ Convert array indices to world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects). See `~astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseLowLevelWCS.array_index_to_world_values` for pixel indexing and ordering conventions. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def world_to_pixel(self, *world_objects): """ Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to pixel coordinates. See `~astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseLowLevelWCS.world_to_pixel_values` for pixel indexing and ordering conventions. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def world_to_array_index(self, *world_objects): """ Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to array indices. See `~astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseLowLevelWCS.world_to_array_index_values` for pixel indexing and ordering conventions. The indices should be returned as rounded integers. """
[docs]class HighLevelWCSMixin(BaseHighLevelWCS): """ Mix-in class that automatically provides the high-level WCS API for the low-level WCS object given by the `~HighLevelWCSMixin.low_level_wcs` property. """ @property def low_level_wcs(self): return self
[docs] def world_to_pixel(self, *world_objects): # Cache the classes and components since this may be expensive serialized_classes = self.low_level_wcs.world_axis_object_classes components = self.low_level_wcs.world_axis_object_components # Deserialize world_axis_object_classes using the default order classes = OrderedDict() for key in default_order(components): if self.low_level_wcs.serialized_classes: classes[key] = deserialize_class(serialized_classes[key], construct=False) else: classes[key] = serialized_classes[key] # Check that the number of classes matches the number of inputs if len(world_objects) != len(classes): raise ValueError("Number of world inputs ({0}) does not match " "expected ({1})".format(len(world_objects), len(classes))) # Determine whether the classes are uniquely matched, that is we check # whether there is only one of each class. world_by_key = {} unique_match = True for w in world_objects: matches = [] for key, (klass, _, _) in classes.items(): if isinstance(w, klass): matches.append(key) if len(matches) == 1: world_by_key[matches[0]] = w else: unique_match = False break # If the match is not unique, the order of the classes needs to match, # whereas if all classes are unique, we can still intelligently match # them even if the order is wrong. objects = {} if unique_match: for key, (klass, args, kwargs) in classes.items(): # FIXME: For now SkyCoord won't auto-convert upon initialization # from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord if isinstance(world_by_key[key], SkyCoord): if 'frame' in kwargs: objects[key] = world_by_key[key].transform_to(kwargs['frame']) else: objects[key] = world_by_key[key] else: objects[key] = klass(world_by_key[key], *args, **kwargs) else: for ikey, key in enumerate(classes): klass, args, kwargs = classes[key] w = world_objects[ikey] if not isinstance(w, klass): raise ValueError("Expected the following order of world " "arguments: {0}".format(', '.join([k.__name__ for (k, _, _) in classes.values()]))) # FIXME: For now SkyCoord won't auto-convert upon initialization # from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord if isinstance(w, SkyCoord): if 'frame' in kwargs: objects[key] = w.transform_to(kwargs['frame']) else: objects[key] = w else: objects[key] = klass(w, *args, **kwargs) # We now extract the attributes needed for the world values world = [] for key, _, attr in components: world.append(rec_getattr(objects[key], attr)) # Finally we convert to pixel coordinates pixel = self.low_level_wcs.world_to_pixel_values(*world) return pixel
[docs] def pixel_to_world(self, *pixel_arrays): # Compute the world coordinate values world = self.low_level_wcs.pixel_to_world_values(*pixel_arrays) # Cache the classes and components since this may be expensive components = self.low_level_wcs.world_axis_object_components classes = self.low_level_wcs.world_axis_object_classes # Deserialize classes if self.low_level_wcs.serialized_classes: classes_new = {} for key, value in classes.items(): classes_new[key] = deserialize_class(value, construct=False) classes = classes_new args = defaultdict(list) kwargs = defaultdict(dict) for i, (key, attr, _) in enumerate(components): if isinstance(attr, str): kwargs[key][attr] = world[i] else: while attr > len(args[key]) - 1: args[key].append(None) args[key][attr] = world[i] result = [] for key in default_order(components): klass, ar, kw = classes[key] result.append(klass(*args[key], *ar, **kwargs[key], **kw)) if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result
[docs] def array_index_to_world(self, *index_arrays): return self.pixel_to_world(*index_arrays[::-1])
[docs] def world_to_array_index(self, *world_objects): return tuple(np.round(self.world_to_pixel(*world_objects)[::-1]).astype(int).tolist())