
class astropy.table.SCEngine(data, row_index, unique=False)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Fast tree-based implementation for indexing, using the sortedcontainers package.

data : Table

Sorted columns of the original table

row_index : Column object

Row numbers corresponding to data columns

unique : bool (defaults to False)

Whether the values of the index must be unique

Methods Summary

add(key, value) Add a key, value pair.
find(key) Find rows corresponding to the given key.
items() Return a list of key, data tuples.
range(lower, upper[, bounds]) Return row values in the given range.
remove(key[, data]) Remove data from the given key.
replace_rows(row_map) Replace rows with the values in row_map.
shift_left(row) Decrement rows larger than the given row.
shift_right(row) Increment rows greater than or equal to the given row.
sort() Make row order align with key order.
sorted_data() Return a list of rows in order sorted by key.

Methods Documentation

add(key, value)[source] [edit on github]

Add a key, value pair.

find(key)[source] [edit on github]

Find rows corresponding to the given key.

items()[source] [edit on github]

Return a list of key, data tuples.

range(lower, upper, bounds=(True, True))[source] [edit on github]

Return row values in the given range.

remove(key, data=None)[source] [edit on github]

Remove data from the given key.

replace_rows(row_map)[source] [edit on github]

Replace rows with the values in row_map.

shift_left(row)[source] [edit on github]

Decrement rows larger than the given row.

shift_right(row)[source] [edit on github]

Increment rows greater than or equal to the given row.

sort()[source] [edit on github]

Make row order align with key order.

sorted_data()[source] [edit on github]

Return a list of rows in order sorted by key.