
class astropy.time.TimezoneInfo(utc_offset=<Quantity 0. d>, dst=<Quantity 0. d>, tzname=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: datetime.tzinfo

Subclass of the tzinfo object, used in the to_datetime method to specify timezones.

It may be safer in most cases to use a timezone database package like pytz rather than defining your own timezones - this class is mainly a workaround for users without pytz.

utc_offset : Quantity (optional)

Offset from UTC in days. Defaults to zero.

dst : Quantity (optional)

Daylight Savings Time offset in days. Defaults to zero (no daylight savings).

tzname : string, None (optional)

Name of timezone


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from astropy.time import TimezoneInfo  # Specifies a timezone
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> utc = TimezoneInfo()    # Defaults to UTC
>>> utc_plus_one_hour = TimezoneInfo(utc_offset=1*u.hour)  # UTC+1
>>> dt_aware = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc_plus_one_hour)
>>> print(dt_aware)
2000-01-01 00:00:00+01:00
>>> print(dt_aware.astimezone(utc))
1999-12-31 23:00:00+00:00

Methods Summary

dst(dt) datetime -> DST offset in minutes east of UTC.
fromutc datetime in UTC -> datetime in local time.
tzname(dt) datetime -> string name of time zone.
utcoffset(dt) datetime -> timedelta showing offset from UTC, negative values indicating West of UTC

Methods Documentation

dst(dt)[source] [edit on github]

datetime -> DST offset in minutes east of UTC.


datetime in UTC -> datetime in local time.

tzname(dt)[source] [edit on github]

datetime -> string name of time zone.

utcoffset(dt)[source] [edit on github]

datetime -> timedelta showing offset from UTC, negative values indicating West of UTC