
astropy.uncertainty.uniform(*, lower=None, upper=None, center=None, width=None, n_samples, cls=<class 'astropy.uncertainty.core.Distribution'>, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Create a Uniform distriution from the lower and upper bounds.

Note that this function requires keywords to be explicit, and requires either lower/upper or center/width.

lower : array-like

The lower edge of this distribution. If a Quantity, the distribution will have the same units as lower.

upper : Quantity

The upper edge of this distribution. Must match shape and if a Quantity must have compatible units with lower.

center : array-like

The center value of the distribution. Cannot be provided at the same time as lower/upper.

width : array-like

The width of the distribution. Must have the same shape and compatible units with center (if any).

n_samples : int

The number of Monte Carlo samples to use with this distribution

cls : class

The class to use to create this distribution. Typically a Distribution subclass.

Remaining keywords are passed into the constructor of the ``cls``
distr : cls, usually Distribution

The sampled uniform distribution.