Source code for astropy.uncertainty.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

Distribution class and associated machinery.

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from astropy import stats

__all__ = ['Distribution']

# we set this by hand because the symbolic expression (below) requires scipy
# SMAD_SCALE_FACTOR = 1 / scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.75)
SMAD_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.48260221850560203193936104071326553821563720703125

[docs]class Distribution: """ A scalar value or array values with associated uncertainty distribution. This object will take its exact type from whatever the ``samples`` argument is. In general this is expected to be an `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `numpy.ndarray`, although anything compatible with `numpy.asanyarray` is possible. See also: Parameters ---------- samples : array-like The distribution, with sampling along the *leading* axis. If 1D, the sole dimension is used as the sampling axis (i.e., it is a scalar distribution). """ _generated_subclasses = {} def __new__(cls, samples): if isinstance(samples, Distribution): samples = samples.distribution else: samples = np.asanyarray(samples, order='C') if samples.shape == (): raise TypeError('Attempted to initialize a Distribution with a scalar') new_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ['samples'], 'formats': [(samples.dtype, (samples.shape[-1],))]}) samples_cls = type(samples) if not issubclass(samples_cls, Distribution): # Make sure first letter is uppercase, but note that we can't use # str.capitalize since that converts the rest of the name to lowercase. new_name = samples_cls.__name__[0].upper() + samples_cls.__name__[1:] + cls.__name__ if new_name in cls._generated_subclasses: new_cls = cls._generated_subclasses[new_name] else: new_cls = type(new_name, (cls, samples_cls), {'_samples_cls': samples_cls}) cls._generated_subclasses[new_name] = new_cls self = samples.view(dtype=new_dtype, type=new_cls) # Get rid of trailing dimension of 1. self.shape = samples.shape[:-1] return self @property def distribution(self): return self['samples'] def __getitem__(self, item): result = super().__getitem__(item) if item == 'samples': return super(Distribution, result).view(self._samples_cls) else: return Distribution.__new__(self.__class__, result['samples']) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): converted = [] outputs = kwargs.pop('out', None) if outputs: kwargs['out'] = tuple((output.distribution if isinstance(output, Distribution) else output) for output in outputs) if method in {'reduce', 'accumulate', 'reduceat'}: axis = kwargs.get('axis', None) if axis is None: assert isinstance(inputs[0], Distribution) kwargs['axis'] = tuple(range(inputs[0].ndim)) for input_ in inputs: if isinstance(input_, Distribution): converted.append(input_.distribution) else: shape = getattr(input_, 'shape', ()) if shape: converted.append(input_[..., np.newaxis]) else: converted.append(input_) results = getattr(ufunc, method)(*converted, **kwargs) if not isinstance(results, tuple): results = (results,) if outputs is None: outputs = (None,) * len(results) finals = [] for result, output in zip(results, outputs): if output is not None: finals.append(output) else: if getattr(result, 'shape', False): finals.append(Distribution(result)) else: finals.append(result) return finals if len(finals) > 1 else finals[0] # Override view so that we stay a Distribution version of the new type.
[docs] def view(self, dtype=None, type=None): if type is None: if issubclass(dtype, np.ndarray): type = dtype dtype = None else: raise ValueError('Cannot set just dtype for a Distribution.') result = self.distribution.view(dtype, type) return Distribution(result)
def __repr__(self): reprarr = repr(self.distribution) if reprarr.endswith('>'): firstspace = reprarr.find(' ') reprarr = reprarr[firstspace+1:-1] # :-1] removes the ending '>' return '<{} {} with n_samples={}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, reprarr, self.n_samples) else: # numpy array-like firstparen = reprarr.find('(') reprarr = reprarr[firstparen:] return '{}{} with n_samples={}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, reprarr, self.n_samples) return reprarr def __str__(self): distrstr = str(self.distribution) toadd = ' with n_samples={}'.format(self.n_samples) return distrstr + toadd def _repr_latex_(self): if hasattr(self.distribution, '_repr_latex_'): superlatex = self.distribution._repr_latex_() toadd = r', \; n_{{\rm samp}}={}'.format(self.n_samples) return superlatex[:-1] + toadd + superlatex[-1] else: return None @property def n_samples(self): """ The number of samples of this distribution. A single `int`. """ return self.dtype['samples'].shape[0] @property def pdf_mean(self): """ The mean of this distribution. """ return self.distribution.mean(axis=-1) @property def pdf_std(self): """ The standard deviation of this distribution. """ return self.distribution.std(axis=-1) @property def pdf_var(self): """ The variance of this distribution. """ return self.distribution.var(axis=-1) @property def pdf_median(self): """ The median of this distribution. """ return np.median(self.distribution, axis=-1) @property def pdf_mad(self): """ The median absolute deviation of this distribution. """ return np.abs(self - self.pdf_median).pdf_median @property def pdf_smad(self): """ The median absolute deviation of this distribution rescaled to match the standard deviation for a normal distribution. """ return self.pdf_mad * SMAD_SCALE_FACTOR
[docs] def pdf_percentiles(self, percentile, **kwargs): """ Compute percentiles of this Distribution. Parameters ---------- percentile : float or array of floats or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The desired precentiles of the distribution (i.e., on [0,100]). `~astropy.units.Quantity` will be converted to percent, meaning that a ``dimensionless_unscaled`` `~astropy.units.Quantity` will be interpreted as a quantile. Additional keywords are passed into `numpy.percentile`. Returns ------- percentiles : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The ``fracs`` percentiles of this distribution. """ percentile = u.Quantity(percentile, u.percent).value percs = np.percentile(self.distribution, percentile, axis=-1, **kwargs) # numpy.percentile strips units for unclear reasons, so we have to make # a new object with units if hasattr(self.distribution, '_new_view'): return self.distribution._new_view(percs) else: return percs
[docs] def pdf_histogram(self, **kwargs): """ Compute histogram over the samples in the distribution. Parameters ---------- All keyword arguments are passed into `astropy.stats.histogram`. Note That some of these options may not be valid for some multidimensional distributions. Returns ------- hist : array The values of the histogram. Trailing dimension is the histogram dimension. bin_edges : array of dtype float Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``. Trailing dimension is the bin histogram dimension. """ distr = self.distribution raveled_distr = distr.reshape(distr.size//distr.shape[-1], distr.shape[-1]) nhists = [] bin_edges = [] for d in raveled_distr: nhist, bin_edge = stats.histogram(d, **kwargs) nhists.append(nhist) bin_edges.append(bin_edge) nhists = np.array(nhists) nh_shape = self.shape + (nhists.size//self.size,) bin_edges = np.array(bin_edges) be_shape = self.shape + (bin_edges.size//self.size,) return nhists.reshape(nh_shape), bin_edges.reshape(be_shape)