Source code for astropy.utils.iers.iers

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
The astropy.utils.iers package provides access to the tables provided by
the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, in
particular allowing interpolation of published UT1-UTC values for given
times.  These are used in `astropy.time` to provide UT1 values.  The polar
motions are also used for determining earth orientation for
celestial-to-terrestrial coordinate transformations
(in `astropy.coordinates`).

from warnings import warn

    from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy as np

from astropy import config as _config
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table, QTable
from import get_pkg_data_filename, clear_download_cache
from astropy import utils
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

__all__ = ['Conf', 'conf',
           'IERS', 'IERS_B', 'IERS_A', 'IERS_Auto',
           'IERS_A_FILE', 'IERS_A_URL', 'IERS_A_README',
           'IERS_B_FILE', 'IERS_B_URL', 'IERS_B_README',
           'IERSRangeError', 'IERSStaleWarning']

# IERS-A default file name, URL, and ReadMe with content description
IERS_A_FILE = 'finals2000A.all'
IERS_A_README = get_pkg_data_filename('data/ReadMe.finals2000A')

# IERS-B default file name, URL, and ReadMe with content description
IERS_B_FILE = get_pkg_data_filename('data/eopc04_IAU2000.62-now')
IERS_B_README = get_pkg_data_filename('data/ReadMe.eopc04_IAU2000')

# Status/source values returned by IERS.ut1_utc

MJD_ZERO = 2400000.5

interpolating from IERS_Auto using predictive values that are more
than {0} days old.

Normally you should not see this error because this class
automatically downloads the latest IERS-A table.  Perhaps you are
offline?  If you understand what you are doing then this error can be
suppressed by setting the auto_max_age configuration variable to

  from astropy.utils.iers import conf
  conf.auto_max_age = None

def download_file(*args, **kwargs):
    Overload within iers module to use a
    custom (longer) wait time.  This just passes through ``*args`` and
    ``**kwargs`` after temporarily setting the download_file remote timeout to
    the local ``iers.conf.remote_timeout`` value.
    with'remote_timeout', conf.remote_timeout):
        return*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class IERSStaleWarning(AstropyWarning): pass
[docs]class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace): """ Configuration parameters for `astropy.utils.iers`. """ auto_download = _config.ConfigItem( True, 'Enable auto-downloading of the latest IERS data. If set to False ' 'then the local IERS-B file will be used by default. Default is True.') auto_max_age = _config.ConfigItem( 30.0, 'Maximum age (days) of predictive data before auto-downloading. Default is 30.') iers_auto_url = _config.ConfigItem( IERS_A_URL, 'URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.') remote_timeout = _config.ConfigItem( 10.0, 'Remote timeout downloading IERS file data (seconds).')
conf = Conf()
[docs]class IERSRangeError(IndexError): """ Any error for when dates are outside of the valid range for IERS """
[docs]class IERS(QTable): """Generic IERS table class, defining interpolation functions. Sub-classed from `astropy.table.QTable`. The table should hold columns 'MJD', 'UT1_UTC', 'dX_2000A'/'dY_2000A', and 'PM_x'/'PM_y'. """ iers_table = None
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, file=None, cache=False, **kwargs): """Open an IERS table, reading it from a file if not loaded before. Parameters ---------- file : str or None full local or network path to the ascii file holding IERS data, for passing on to the ``read`` class methods (further optional arguments that are available for some IERS subclasses can be added). If None, use the default location from the ``read`` class method. cache : bool Whether to use cache. Defaults to False, since IERS files are regularly updated. Returns ------- An IERS table class instance Notes ----- On the first call in a session, the table will be memoized (in the ``iers_table`` class attribute), and further calls to ``open`` will return this stored table if ``file=None`` (the default). If a table needs to be re-read from disk, pass on an explicit file location or use the (sub-class) close method and re-open. If the location is a network location it is first downloaded via download_file. For the IERS class itself, an IERS_B sub-class instance is opened. """ if file is not None or cls.iers_table is None: if file is not None: if urlparse(file).netloc: kwargs.update(file=download_file(file, cache=cache)) else: kwargs.update(file=file) cls.iers_table =**kwargs) return cls.iers_table
[docs] @classmethod def close(cls): """Remove the IERS table from the class. This allows the table to be re-read from disk during one's session (e.g., if one finds it is out of date and has updated the file). """ cls.iers_table = None
[docs] def mjd_utc(self, jd1, jd2=0.): """Turn a time to MJD, returning integer and fractional parts. Parameters ---------- jd1 : float, array, or Time first part of two-part JD, or Time object jd2 : float or array, optional second part of two-part JD. Default is 0., ignored if jd1 is `~astropy.time.Time`. Returns ------- mjd : float or array integer part of MJD utc : float or array fractional part of MJD """ try: # see if this is a Time object jd1, jd2 = jd1.utc.jd1, jd1.utc.jd2 except Exception: pass mjd = np.floor(jd1 - MJD_ZERO + jd2) utc = jd1 - (MJD_ZERO+mjd) + jd2 return mjd, utc
[docs] def ut1_utc(self, jd1, jd2=0., return_status=False): """Interpolate UT1-UTC corrections in IERS Table for given dates. Parameters ---------- jd1 : float, float array, or Time object first part of two-part JD, or Time object jd2 : float or float array, optional second part of two-part JD. Default is 0., ignored if jd1 is `~astropy.time.Time`. return_status : bool Whether to return status values. If False (default), raise ``IERSRangeError`` if any time is out of the range covered by the IERS table. Returns ------- ut1_utc : float or float array UT1-UTC, interpolated in IERS Table status : int or int array Status values (if ``return_status``=``True``):: ``iers.FROM_IERS_B`` ``iers.FROM_IERS_A`` ``iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION`` ``iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE`` ``iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE`` """ return self._interpolate(jd1, jd2, ['UT1_UTC'], self.ut1_utc_source if return_status else None)
[docs] def dcip_xy(self, jd1, jd2=0., return_status=False): """Interpolate CIP corrections in IERS Table for given dates. Parameters ---------- jd1 : float, float array, or Time object first part of two-part JD, or Time object jd2 : float or float array, optional second part of two-part JD (default 0., ignored if jd1 is Time) return_status : bool Whether to return status values. If False (default), raise ``IERSRangeError`` if any time is out of the range covered by the IERS table. Returns ------- D_x : Quantity with angle units x component of CIP correction for the requested times D_y : Quantity with angle units y component of CIP correction for the requested times status : int or int array Status values (if ``return_status``=``True``):: ``iers.FROM_IERS_B`` ``iers.FROM_IERS_A`` ``iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION`` ``iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE`` ``iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE`` """ return self._interpolate(jd1, jd2, ['dX_2000A', 'dY_2000A'], self.dcip_source if return_status else None)
[docs] def pm_xy(self, jd1, jd2=0., return_status=False): """Interpolate polar motions from IERS Table for given dates. Parameters ---------- jd1 : float, float array, or Time object first part of two-part JD, or Time object jd2 : float or float array, optional second part of two-part JD. Default is 0., ignored if jd1 is `~astropy.time.Time`. return_status : bool Whether to return status values. If False (default), raise ``IERSRangeError`` if any time is out of the range covered by the IERS table. Returns ------- PM_x : Quantity with angle units x component of polar motion for the requested times PM_y : Quantity with angle units y component of polar motion for the requested times status : int or int array Status values (if ``return_status``=``True``):: ``iers.FROM_IERS_B`` ``iers.FROM_IERS_A`` ``iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION`` ``iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE`` ``iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE`` """ return self._interpolate(jd1, jd2, ['PM_x', 'PM_y'], self.pm_source if return_status else None)
def _check_interpolate_indices(self, indices_orig, indices_clipped, max_input_mjd): """ Check that the indices from interpolation match those after clipping to the valid table range. This method gets overridden in the IERS_Auto class because it has different requirements. """ if np.any(indices_orig != indices_clipped): raise IERSRangeError('(some) times are outside of range covered ' 'by IERS table.') def _interpolate(self, jd1, jd2, columns, source=None): mjd, utc = self.mjd_utc(jd1, jd2) # enforce array is_scalar = not hasattr(mjd, '__array__') or mjd.ndim == 0 if is_scalar: mjd = np.array([mjd]) utc = np.array([utc]) self._refresh_table_as_needed(mjd) # For typical format, will always find a match (since MJD are integer) # hence, important to define which side we will be; this ensures # self['MJD'][i-1]<=mjd<self['MJD'][i] i = np.searchsorted(self['MJD'].value, mjd, side='right') # Get index to MJD at or just below given mjd, clipping to ensure we # stay in range of table (status will be set below for those outside) i1 = np.clip(i, 1, len(self) - 1) i0 = i1 - 1 mjd_0, mjd_1 = self['MJD'][i0].value, self['MJD'][i1].value results = [] for column in columns: val_0, val_1 = self[column][i0], self[column][i1] d_val = val_1 - val_0 if column == 'UT1_UTC': # Check & correct for possible leap second (correcting diff., # not 1st point, since jump can only happen right at 2nd point) d_val -= d_val.round() # Linearly interpolate (which is what TEMPO does for UT1-UTC, but # may want to follow IERS gazette #13 for more precise # interpolation and correction for tidal effects; # val = val_0 + (mjd - mjd_0 + utc) / (mjd_1 - mjd_0) * d_val # Do not extrapolate outside range, instead just propagate last values. val[i == 0] = self[column][0] val[i == len(self)] = self[column][-1] if is_scalar: val = val[0] results.append(val) if source: # Set status to source, using the routine passed in. status = source(i1) # Check for out of range status[i == 0] = TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE status[i == len(self)] = TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE if is_scalar: status = status[0] results.append(status) return results else: self._check_interpolate_indices(i1, i, np.max(mjd)) return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results def _refresh_table_as_needed(self, mjd): """ Potentially update the IERS table in place depending on the requested time values in ``mdj`` and the time span of the table. The base behavior is not to update the table. ``IERS_Auto`` overrides this method. """ pass
[docs] def ut1_utc_source(self, i): """Source for UT1-UTC. To be overridden by subclass.""" return np.zeros_like(i)
[docs] def dcip_source(self, i): """Source for CIP correction. To be overridden by subclass.""" return np.zeros_like(i)
[docs] def pm_source(self, i): """Source for polar motion. To be overridden by subclass.""" return np.zeros_like(i)
@property def time_now(self): """ Property to provide the current time, but also allow for explicitly setting the _time_now attribute for testing purposes. """ from astropy.time import Time try: return self._time_now except Exception: return
[docs]class IERS_A(IERS): """IERS Table class targeted to IERS A, provided by USNO. These include rapid turnaround and predicted times. See Notes ----- The IERS A file is not part of astropy. It can be downloaded from ``iers.IERS_A_URL``. See ``iers.__doc__`` for instructions on how to use it in ``Time``, etc. """ iers_table = None @classmethod def _combine_a_b_columns(cls, iers_a): """ Return a new table with appropriate combination of IERS_A and B columns. """ # IERS A has some rows at the end that hold nothing but dates & MJD # presumably to be filled later. Exclude those a priori -- there # should at least be a predicted UT1-UTC and PM! table = iers_a[~iers_a['UT1_UTC_A'].mask & ~iers_a['PolPMFlag_A'].mask] # This does nothing for IERS_A, but allows IERS_Auto to ensure the # IERS B values in the table are consistent with the true ones. table = cls._substitute_iers_b(table) # Run np.where on the data from the table columns, since in numpy 1.9 # it otherwise returns an only partially initialized column. table['UT1_UTC'] = np.where(table['UT1_UTC_B'].mask, table['UT1_UTC_A'].data, table['UT1_UTC_B'].data) # Ensure the unit is correct, for later column conversion to Quantity. table['UT1_UTC'].unit = table['UT1_UTC_A'].unit table['UT1Flag'] = np.where(table['UT1_UTC_B'].mask, table['UT1Flag_A'].data, 'B') # Repeat for polar motions. table['PM_x'] = np.where(table['PM_X_B'].mask, table['PM_x_A'].data, table['PM_X_B'].data) table['PM_x'].unit = table['PM_x_A'].unit table['PM_y'] = np.where(table['PM_Y_B'].mask, table['PM_y_A'].data, table['PM_Y_B'].data) table['PM_y'].unit = table['PM_y_A'].unit table['PolPMFlag'] = np.where(table['PM_X_B'].mask, table['PolPMFlag_A'].data, 'B') table['dX_2000A'] = np.where(table['dX_2000A_B'].mask, table['dX_2000A_A'].data, table['dX_2000A_B'].data) table['dX_2000A'].unit = table['dX_2000A_A'].unit table['dY_2000A'] = np.where(table['dY_2000A_B'].mask, table['dY_2000A_A'].data, table['dY_2000A_B'].data) table['dY_2000A'].unit = table['dY_2000A_A'].unit table['NutFlag'] = np.where(table['dX_2000A_B'].mask, table['NutFlag_A'].data, 'B') # Get the table index for the first row that has predictive values # PolPMFlag_A IERS (I) or Prediction (P) flag for # Bull. A polar motion values # UT1Flag_A IERS (I) or Prediction (P) flag for # Bull. A UT1-UTC values is_predictive = (table['UT1Flag_A'] == 'P') | (table['PolPMFlag_A'] == 'P') table.meta['predictive_index'] = np.min(np.flatnonzero(is_predictive)) table.meta['predictive_mjd'] = table['MJD'][table.meta['predictive_index']] return table @classmethod def _substitute_iers_b(cls, table): # See documentation in IERS_Auto. return table
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, file=None, readme=None): """Read IERS-A table from a finals2000a.* file provided by USNO. Parameters ---------- file : str full path to ascii file holding IERS-A data. Defaults to ``iers.IERS_A_FILE``. readme : str full path to ascii file holding CDS-style readme. Defaults to package version, ``iers.IERS_A_README``. Returns ------- ``IERS_A`` class instance """ if file is None: file = IERS_A_FILE if readme is None: readme = IERS_A_README # Read in as a regular Table, including possible masked columns. # Columns will be filled and converted to Quantity in cls.__init__. iers_a =, format='cds', readme=readme) # Combine the A and B data for UT1-UTC and PM columns table = cls._combine_a_b_columns(iers_a) table.meta['data_path'] = file table.meta['readme_path'] = readme # Fill any masked values, and convert to a QTable. return cls(table.filled())
[docs] def ut1_utc_source(self, i): """Set UT1-UTC source flag for entries in IERS table""" ut1flag = self['UT1Flag'][i] source = np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B source[ut1flag == 'I'] = FROM_IERS_A source[ut1flag == 'P'] = FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION return source
[docs] def dcip_source(self, i): """Set CIP correction source flag for entries in IERS table""" nutflag = self['NutFlag'][i] source = np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B source[nutflag == 'I'] = FROM_IERS_A source[nutflag == 'P'] = FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION return source
[docs] def pm_source(self, i): """Set polar motion source flag for entries in IERS table""" pmflag = self['PolPMFlag'][i] source = np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B source[pmflag == 'I'] = FROM_IERS_A source[pmflag == 'P'] = FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION return source
[docs]class IERS_B(IERS): """IERS Table class targeted to IERS B, provided by IERS itself. These are final values; see Notes ----- If the package IERS B file (```iers.IERS_B_FILE``) is out of date, a new version can be downloaded from ``iers.IERS_B_URL``. """ iers_table = None
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, file=None, readme=None, data_start=14): """Read IERS-B table from a eopc04_iau2000.* file provided by IERS. Parameters ---------- file : str full path to ascii file holding IERS-B data. Defaults to package version, ``iers.IERS_B_FILE``. readme : str full path to ascii file holding CDS-style readme. Defaults to package version, ``iers.IERS_B_README``. data_start : int starting row. Default is 14, appropriate for standard IERS files. Returns ------- ``IERS_B`` class instance """ if file is None: file = IERS_B_FILE if readme is None: readme = IERS_B_README # Read in as a regular Table, including possible masked columns. # Columns will be filled and converted to Quantity in cls.__init__. iers_b =, format='cds', readme=readme, data_start=data_start) return cls(iers_b.filled())
[docs] def ut1_utc_source(self, i): """Set UT1-UTC source flag for entries in IERS table""" return np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
[docs] def dcip_source(self, i): """Set CIP correction source flag for entries in IERS table""" return np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
[docs] def pm_source(self, i): """Set PM source flag for entries in IERS table""" return np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
[docs]class IERS_Auto(IERS_A): """ Provide most-recent IERS data and automatically handle downloading of updated values as necessary. """ iers_table = None
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls): """If the configuration setting ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download`` is set to True (default), then open a recent version of the IERS-A table with predictions for UT1-UTC and polar motion out to approximately one year from now. If the available version of this file is older than ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_max_age`` days old (or non-existent) then it will be downloaded over the network and cached. If the configuration setting ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download`` is set to False then ``astropy.utils.iers.IERS()`` is returned. This is normally the IERS-B table that is supplied with astropy. On the first call in a session, the table will be memoized (in the ``iers_table`` class attribute), and further calls to ``open`` will return this stored table. Returns ------- `~astropy.table.QTable` instance with IERS (Earth rotation) data columns """ if not conf.auto_download: cls.iers_table = return cls.iers_table if cls.iers_table is not None: # If the URL has changed, we need to redownload the file, so we # should ignore the internally cached version. if cls.iers_table.meta.get('data_url') == conf.iers_auto_url: return cls.iers_table try: filename = download_file(conf.iers_auto_url, cache=True) except Exception as err: # Issue a warning here, perhaps user is offline. An exception # will be raised downstream when actually trying to interpolate # predictive values. warn(AstropyWarning('failed to download {}, using local IERS-B: {}' .format(conf.iers_auto_url, str(err)))) cls.iers_table = return cls.iers_table cls.iers_table = cls.iers_table.meta['data_url'] = str(conf.iers_auto_url) return cls.iers_table
def _check_interpolate_indices(self, indices_orig, indices_clipped, max_input_mjd): """Check that the indices from interpolation match those after clipping to the valid table range. The IERS_Auto class is exempted as long as it has sufficiently recent available data so the clipped interpolation is always within the confidence bounds of current Earth rotation knowledge. """ predictive_mjd = self.meta['predictive_mjd'] # See explanation in _refresh_table_as_needed for these conditions auto_max_age = (conf.auto_max_age if conf.auto_max_age is not None else np.finfo(float).max) if (max_input_mjd > predictive_mjd and self.time_now.mjd - predictive_mjd > auto_max_age): raise ValueError(INTERPOLATE_ERROR.format(auto_max_age)) def _refresh_table_as_needed(self, mjd): """Potentially update the IERS table in place depending on the requested time values in ``mjd`` and the time span of the table. For IERS_Auto the behavior is that the table is refreshed from the IERS server if both the following apply: - Any of the requested IERS values are predictive. The IERS-A table contains predictive data out for a year after the available definitive values. - The first predictive values are at least ``conf.auto_max_age days`` old. In other words the IERS-A table was created by IERS long enough ago that it can be considered stale for predictions. """ max_input_mjd = np.max(mjd) now_mjd = self.time_now.mjd # IERS-A table contains predictive data out for a year after # the available definitive values. fpi = self.meta['predictive_index'] predictive_mjd = self.meta['predictive_mjd'] # Update table in place if necessary auto_max_age = (conf.auto_max_age if conf.auto_max_age is not None else np.finfo(float).max) # If auto_max_age is smaller than IERS update time then repeated downloads may # occur without getting updated values (giving a IERSStaleWarning). if auto_max_age < 10: raise ValueError('IERS auto_max_age configuration value must be larger than 10 days') if (max_input_mjd > predictive_mjd and now_mjd - predictive_mjd > auto_max_age): # Get the latest version try: clear_download_cache(conf.iers_auto_url) filename = download_file(conf.iers_auto_url, cache=True) except Exception as err: # Issue a warning here, perhaps user is offline. An exception # will be raised downstream when actually trying to interpolate # predictive values. warn(AstropyWarning('failed to download {}: {}.\nA coordinate or time-related ' 'calculation might be compromised or fail because the dates are ' 'not covered by the available IERS file. See the ' '"IERS data access" section of the astropy documentation ' 'for additional information on working offline.' .format(conf.iers_auto_url, str(err)))) return new_table = # New table has new values? if new_table['MJD'][-1] > self['MJD'][-1]: # Replace *replace* current values from the first predictive index through # the end of the current table. This replacement is much faster than just # deleting all rows and then using add_row for the whole duration. new_fpi = np.searchsorted(new_table['MJD'].value, predictive_mjd, side='right') n_replace = len(self) - fpi self[fpi:] = new_table[new_fpi:new_fpi + n_replace] # Sanity check for continuity if new_table['MJD'][new_fpi + n_replace] - self['MJD'][-1] != 1.0 * u.d: raise ValueError('unexpected gap in MJD when refreshing IERS table') # Now add new rows in place for row in new_table[new_fpi + n_replace:]: self.add_row(row) self.meta.update(new_table.meta) else: warn(IERSStaleWarning( 'IERS_Auto predictive values are older than {} days but downloading ' 'the latest table did not find newer values'.format(conf.auto_max_age))) @classmethod def _substitute_iers_b(cls, table): """Substitute IERS B values with those from a real IERS B table. IERS-A has IERS-B values included, but for reasons unknown these do not match the latest IERS-B values (see comments in #4436). Here, we use the bundled astropy IERS-B table to overwrite the values in the downloaded IERS-A table. """ iers_b = # Substitute IERS-B values for existing B values in IERS-A table mjd_b = table['MJD'][~table['UT1_UTC_B'].mask] i0 = np.searchsorted(iers_b['MJD'].value, mjd_b[0], side='left') i1 = np.searchsorted(iers_b['MJD'].value, mjd_b[-1], side='right') iers_b = iers_b[i0:i1] n_iers_b = len(iers_b) # If there is overlap then replace IERS-A values from available IERS-B if n_iers_b > 0: # Sanity check that we are overwriting the correct values if not np.allclose(table['MJD'][:n_iers_b], iers_b['MJD'].value): raise ValueError('unexpected mismatch when copying ' 'IERS-B values into IERS-A table.') # Finally do the overwrite table['UT1_UTC_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['UT1_UTC'].value table['PM_X_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['PM_x'].value table['PM_Y_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['PM_y'].value return table
# by default for IERS class, read IERS-B table =